One should become one with the target just like an arrow. The target is attained by an unerring man. The analogy in Mundaka Upanishad describes that Om is the bow the soul is the arrow and Brahman is the target. From the original sound, Om, all things become manifest as its extension embodiments. In Mandukya Upanishad, it has been described that Om is the syllable of the past, the present, and the future. This concept has been well described in various Indian scriptures. “M” represents the whole deep-sleep state, which is unknown even in our wakeful state. “U” represents the mental and astral plane, the world of intelligent spirits, and all heavens. It is the combination of three letters, namely, A, U, and M.
Om covers the whole threefold experience of man. Om is the name or symbol of God ( Ishwara, Brahman).